Men Talk

Some say men don’t like to talk.

I say: no.

Men want to talk.

It’s just that we don’t feel heard.

Dr. Ben Hine’s deep research on fathers and family describes how men often don’t feel heard – leading to all sorts of issues.


It’s true: men often don’t have a lot of adult male friends to talk to about their lives.

Competing against other men for jobs, money and women makes making male friends feel more difficult after we all hit our early twenties.

Plus: going through transitions – like changing jobs, moving to a new city, marriage and/or divorce – often means we lose touch along the way with key men we knew well and respected.

So: it can feel like you have fewer fellow men to turn to for advice than before.

Support from women helps… some.

Talking with your spouse, female family members, or other supportive women in your life can help.

Therapists, counselors, psychologists and other mental health providers are great sources of help and support.

Men can learn from other men.

At times, though, it can feel like only a fellow experienced professional man can really know what you’re going through.

I’ve walked in your shoes – and spent years wrestling with and learning from my own mistakes.

I’ve been fortunate to have some great male friends and mentors along my life journey.

I’m proud to say I keep in touch with many men who have been there for me over several decades of challenging life experiences – and I’ve been there for them.

I can help you find ways to create your own support network of fellow men going on this journey together.

Feel heard.

Most important: I can help you feel heard.

Our confidential one-on-one coaching sessions are all about you and your situation, with action plans and next steps tailored just for you.

Click here and let’s set up our first conversation – so you can feel heard.

You’ve Got This!

Ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling professional and personal life?

Want to transform your professional and personal life today?

Click the link below to schedule your complimentary 30-minute session with me.

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